Self-Care Cafe

Episode 32. Getting to Know Your Body—Feel Your Fullness

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Fullness has gotten a bad rap just like hunger. Many of us may not know what comfortable fullness feels like in our body or may be fearful of being full. 

Let's chat about what may be disrupting your fullness cues (hello clean plate club members!), different levels of fullness and tips for practicing how to respect and feel your fullness. We'll also touch on when you feel like you just can't stop eating!

DM us your email on Facebook or Instagram (links below) for a copy of the hunger/fullness scale we cover in this episode.

Thank you for listening! We love you latte!

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-Ashley & Carrie
This podcast is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not medical advice.


hey it's Carrie and Ashley we welcome you to the self-care Cafe we are both

health professionals and moms and nature lovers and food lovers and love helping

women get over dieting and just start living we think that talking about

bodies and perfect bodies and dieting is just

boring did we put you to sleep there Carrie yes so if you are ready to ditch

dieting and get to living and talk about more important things then you are in the right place we don't put shame and

guilt on the menu here you don't even have to tip us nope come hang with us the advice is

free we want to have a bunch of girlfriends to just hang out with and get real with and it's time to start


ladies hey Ashley hi Carrie how are you great how are you oh super duper yeah we

have a fun oh what's on the menu for today I don't know what is on the menu

for today we have a fun topic that's right so we're continuing our intuitive eating

series um so this week we are still in the breaking up with dieting phase which

is still phase one and so this week long it's a long face it is long breakup it

is it's a long breakup but it's totally worth it and it's easy to go back and forth and that's

okay go back to um yeah so this week we're talking about

the intuitive eating principle number four which is called challenge the food police and this one is not really my

favorite one but I feel like it's got a lot of good information in it still so

I'm curious why isn't it your favorite I don't know I feel like um and I maybe because it's not

something that I've had to deal with a lot in the past personally so maybe I don't like connect with it very much but

I also feel like some of the things are talked about in other principles almost

I'm not really sure I can't a lot of a lot of what we're going

to talk about today is not new information compared to what we

said before right but um we know that repetition helps you learn and sometimes

s the way you know if we say it differently um you may it may you might get that aha moment or oh yes I do

relate to that um so so food police what

does that mean what does that mean I you know and I feel like it might be different for everybody but um food

police is kind of like The Gatekeepers I

think almost of your food choices right so anything or like a bouncer right like

the bouncer of your brain when it has to do with thinking about

food you can go in you're not allowed let me see your IDE exactly

EXA that's awesome so we can be our own food police um and often that is the

case but when we think about that and I just

am kind of putting this together even though it makes sense um even when we're our own food police

we've gotten the trickle down from somewhere else right so like if we

believe one thing to be true about food or food choices then that information has come from somewhere else otherwise

we wouldn't have probably gotten to that right so it can come from family friends

um your health care providers um the media

um and and the other thing too is it can actually still be some people in your

life right now that are still acting as food police for you right you're at a family

gathering and Auntie Mabel is like do you really need that deer should you be eating that um you

know you can eat that without bread right like there could still be it's in

our head but there can actually still be physically people um in our lives that are still kind of are keeping the you

know The Gatekeepers um and trying to keep tabs on us and what we're eating exactly yeah

they it kind of boils down to like we always talk about kind of putting your nutrition under that microscope and it

really keeps us from trusting our body because we're always second guessing so

whether it's Aunt Mabel or ourselves or something we see and it's like oh do we do this maybe we shouldn't be doing this

like we're always sort of second guessing our choices because we all kind

of feel like there's a quote unquote like right way to eat and does this measure up or

not yeah and back to your family example too I feel like it could go the other way like some people are more along the

lines of like food pushers yes yes it can go either way

like oh try this because it's fresh out of the oven or it's my only batch for

the year or whatever and in that case I know people

it's like they've almost taken on what they the food that they make as

their identity and it bumps their their self-esteem up some when people eat

their food and enjoy it right it's like equ equit it to love for them and but

and we're going totally off top well not really off topic but um in that case

that you have to keep in mind that's their issue right yeah that not to take

that on that if it's a food that you don't like or doesn't agree with you or you're full and just cannot eat anymore

um you know sometimes I'll make a joke stop being a pusher you know um so yeah

that's a that's a great Point thank you for bringing that up because it can go either way either the ones that are um

gatekeeping and trying to keep you from eating and then there's the ones that are trying to push you to eat right yeah and

like you said it's like their form of love I guess like you said yeah it's

really tricky because you feel bad when you're not taking them up on that

especially if they're very persistent about it um and that just might be and I

think we'll talk about this a little bit more coming up but it's just something you got to set boundaries about and

maybe have with them like I really appreciate that you're doing this and

I'm too full or whatever it is so can we do something else together yep yeah

absolutely so what would be some ways

um that the the food police show up yeah great question um a lot of times it's

this whole good food bad food um d that we have going on um and so some foods

are seen as like morally better because they have more nutrition um to offer us and some foods

are seen as bad and morally bad because they're higher in Sugar higher in fat

higher in calories salt whatever it is um and so what has happened in our society is

that when we eat foods from either category we then assign ourselves that

label so if we're eating mostly fruits and veggies which are most of the time in the quotquot good category oh then

we're good um we're doing a good job we can be good people today which blows my

mind um and yeah I hear this so much like part

of um my client visits is most of the time um hearing about like a what a

typical day of eating is for people and I bet 90% of people were like oh I was

good today and had this or oh I was bad today and had that um it's really

interesting how how much we really believe this um and when we eat foods

from the bad category like I said we kind of label ourselves as bad and then a lot of times guilt and shame come

along with that and it's not only about like oh I

was good today because I had this like this language is everywhere it's on food packages even like

um sinful chocolate cake or something like that on a menu like what or um I

was somewhere I won't say their name out loud but it was like Guiltless Grill options or something and I'm like

uh nope we missed that one or like guilt

free this or this like it just is

everywhere yeah and I I know I I try not to support brands or at least you know

the Foods um that have that kind of wording on it um and that is one way

that you can try to get companies to change is to not give them your money

yep and you know I was just thinking I haven't gone into the grocery store store in a while CU if you've been listening to the podcast I do more

grocery pickup online but I was just thinking like I could probably spend so

much time like first of all I'd have to be looking so that would take time but also I would be stopping to take a lot

of pictures of all the different brands that slightly even just on the front like I'm not going to stand there and

turn it over and check either but um that would take so much

time it probably also on like where your grocery shopping I feel like like co-ops

might not necessarily get into it that much but

I'm not really sure either they don't have as many like mainstream Brands all of the time depending on where you

are yeah they're more focused on Fresh local yeah yeah yeah so

um so what what's something that we can do to kind

of catch like I If we're like how how do you know if you're doing what some like

language people might use to so that they we've already mentioned some of it

but yeah um I so another example of things is like um I when I was working

at the hospital fulltime there was a cafeteria there so I feel like a lot of people thought I was the food police

there and so it was interesting to see people's reactions when I would walk

through the cafeteria in the dining room or whatever some people would definitely like shift their food choices away or

like put their body in front of it so that I couldn't see what they were doing um and there is a point to the end of

this to answer your question um a lot of people would make eye contact with me and I

knew a lot of people so I would normally chat with people and so they would make comments about their food choices as if

I cared so much about what they were eating um things like calories don't count on Friday or um I had salad for uh

lunch so I'm having this bigger meal for dinner or like justifying their fried food options or I don't know it was just

really interesting to see the difference as soon as I entered the realm of the

food choices um and so yeah so those are a couple things that people might say um

you know I was good because I had fruits and veggies or I had yogurt for a

breakfast or I was bad because I had pizza or I cheated this weekend and

had word yeah that's another one it's very sticky

tricky yeah yeah yeah I run it I we were talking before for years the same type

of thing in the grocery store people will either avoid me or they'll um be

like oh I know I shouldn't be buying this or it's like I'm not judging your

cart just stop it's not you know uh yeah it's we're so hard on ourselves and so I

mean I and I suppose some of it is because of being there are healthc care

practitioners though that would be right so in a way that um we've been kind of

conditioned toward that too yeah so not really it's not really our faults it's

just um the way that things have gone for years now yeah and not only with the

good and bad foods but like food rules also but one thing I want to throw on before we get into that is instead of

necessarily thinking as Foods as good or bad we can try to reframe our thought

process about that and say all foods are neutral like we don't have to assign a

moral value to them um all foods fit like we say all the time and yes we want

to you know nourish our body with foods that have nutrition and we want to include foods that are fun and as we

talk about all the time when we're restricting one or the other then something's not going to end end up like

we're trying to balance ourselves by doing that but we're actually really disrupting the balance and so trying to

do that all foods fit can really be helpful and doing it on purpose and intentionally and really picking up on

all of that like good bad food language you'd be surprised at how often you hear

it I bet yeah when you when you start noticing and intentionally

starting to pay attention to it it is it's

everywhere it's in your head it's in your own head too but it's also it's everywhere

people um talking of course Like Mondays are a great one right coming back after the the weekend be oh I you know I

totally blew my diet I was horrible I right it's you know what's interesting

about that kri is I bet that is mostly not to not to INF course gender

stereotypes but I feel like women talk about that a lot more in the break room on Mondays than men do because women

talk about how bad they were for eating pizza on their family vacation but um

men talk more about what they actually did yes yep and exactly we need

to let go of that guilt about it and enjoy our time

yeah yeah when you think like at the end of your life how much time will you have spent talking about

how horrible your body is and how much you blew it and how much you sucked it

you know like just a lot of waste of time and energy at it instead of living

your life and not to mention who else is listening like are you talking like that with your kids around and do you want

this for them as they're growing up right because we're the role model

um and it's really something that I feel like we all want to get out of it's not fun um we just

don't really know how to do it because it's really difficult which we're here

for exactly okay so food rules yeah so food

rules are kind of like anything you have in place that dictates what when how much

you eat basically right so um I can't eat um I'm just making this up I can't

eat White English muffins because they don't have enough uh nutrition and they're bad for

example or I can't eat past seven o'clock right or I can't eat dressing on

my salad or anything like that and what's

so interesting is that certain rules

actually are more harmful nutritional like right right because a lot of

vegetables the nutrients are better absorbed in your body when they're eating with a little fat exactly so

that's super true so you actually need to eat well I guess you don't need to eat but it is helpful to get the

nutrition into your body better when you eat something with fat on your salad

also known as salad dress ing AKA

AKA so that's really interesting as such a great Point like the the rules we have

can be so backwards when we actually look at science and what is

truthful yeah and like we said earlier it just kind of like keeps yourself it keeps you pitted against your body

because your body's telling you one thing oh that salad dressing sounds really good and then you're telling it no we can't have it because it's too

fattening or it's too whatever yeah and and usually the fat

and salad dressing is an oil and oils like our body our bodies

need fat right we need fat it's a nutrient and um if you don't have it

then you know your skin different things that you can actually see on the outside like skin gets all dry and and things

like that but there's other things on the inside that you other reasons we need fat too yeah and we might not

notice those and that's right whole different story for a whole different

day um yeah and then other rules um have come with us from childhood probably um

a big one is that you have to clean your plate um rule that one is such a

challenging one what was that yeah Clean Plate Club

it's such a challenging one because it's every meal all the time that you've been

dealing with this for a long long time and it's really hard to break that habit

because it's a habit now right we're not listening to our fullness cues we might not even have or notice fullness cues at

this point so that one's a really tricky one but it's all the things like that so

um I don't know if your family restricted you from eating

also you might be rebelling against food rules as well so it can go again either

way can be the gatekeeper or like the food pushers um with the food

rules right and sometimes you'll Eat Alone to avoid judgment yeah so you have

people that are always commenting on your body your plate your choices

whatever you might tend to start eating more in secret or um just trying to eat

alone and waiting to eat unless you know if you're really hungry and everyone's eating then we have to make up an excuse

about why we're not eating and then we're going to eat later to avoid all those comments or you might avoid

Gatherings right you might avoid family gatherings or going out with friends um

because either someone makes a comment or maybe

you just can't stand the pressure that you know the other oh I'm just gonna have salad and you know you wanted to go

and have a nice meal and you feel guilty or feel pressure not to do that it's

just not enjoyable anymore yeah um yeah there's all kinds of twists and turns to

that one yeah and if we're eating in Rebellion sometimes we're eating a lot because of

how we might have been restricted in the past especially Um this can also happen

if people have experienced like food scarcity in their childhood as well so it's similar as far as the biological

response but different as far as why it was happening in your household so if your family restricted you um from

sweets or portion sizes or whatever um

you never really had the opportunity to regulate or balance like your Cravings

or preferences and how you dealt with them right and the same with food scarcity

people just kind of have to eat when they have food and they don't get to rely on their bodies as much so all

those things can come into play for sure absolutely

so what do you do how do we identify which food

police is um running our show you gotta pay attention that's our first thing all

the time like right you have to just take a step

back and when you have any thoughts about food or nutrition just hold on a second and say okay

where did that come from is that a food rule um how do I feel about that and

also like who said it where did it come from is this true kind of conversation

too and like we said we might think that it's true but is it actually true and

that one's a really hard one because sometimes we can get really frustrated with oh we've been doing this

for 20 years and oh this information's actually false or um there can be some anger and

frustration grief sometimes around thinking about this

stuff and It's Tricky too because Through The Years information does change like I was in college the

whole um cholesterol thing like you couldn't you know if like eggs they were

saying eggs increased cholesterol now we know that that's probably not true or has minimal impact

on our cholesterol levels in our bodies um all kind like the low fat thing and then the no fat thing was in back then

um so and you know they were saying and it you know practitioners were pushing

this saying that no you you know you shouldn't have any fat and obviously we

know that that is not true at all now anymore um so nutrition information as

research has increased and and um gotten better

um it's changed so but sometimes you get stuck on that old one right because if

we were in the we formed that habit like oh fat is bad fat is bad fat is bad then

that comes with us and it is hard to break and it's it's hard to wrap your mind around it but if you get onto some

credible resources that can explain how fat is not bad

and why it's not and how it actually works in your body um and and emphas is

incredible because there's so much information out there on the intern I was just gonna pull that in too like

sometimes we just stick with the original one because there's so much information out there and I hear this a

lot from clients also like they are you know recommended a diet to follow by

their provider maybe or they are researching this new condition they have and

find out about this diet that's supposed to help with this condition and they just get so frustrated with some

websites say eat this and some websites say don't eat that and it's like well what am I supposed to do and so I think

that contributes to all this confusion and we often just stick with what we've already been doing so that we're not

rocking the boat or whatever yeah it's easier I mean let's face it not changing a habit is a lot easier and then try to

change it too or like said rocking a boat because who wants to disagree with their doctor right right and but doctors

have very little nutrition education in med school so unless they've taken extra

training your best bet would be to get a referral to a registered dietitian yes

thank you ma'am you're welome thanks for the thought you'd like that and you know maybe it would be

Ashley all right some other ways we

can we can do some different things well how about setting boundaries

with friends and family that one's such a good one that this one might be one of the hardest ones is a hard one especi

avoid conflict yeah because it's not just you anymore right you know let's go

back to Aunt Mabel Aunt Mabel I have to talk to her now and you know you know

your family best so is she going to take the news Well is do you think she's

going to you know not take it well and sometimes I think that's worse is just

like playing the what if game how is she going to react you really don't know until you do it um because we can

imagine this whole scenario going a hundred different ways those of us that might be overthinkers um

no so so I have I have a good little tip for that so if you do um if if this

happens you know or what if then turn it around if then so if this if she says

this then I will respond this way but Al so important to remember don't try not

to react right so in practice like regardless of whatever she says over

here how will you respond to that right without without doing this you know I'm

freaking SI of you saying that stop you know trying to respond to it because

also coming from a place of um understanding maybe and some empathy because obviously she struggles

with this right so saying I you know I understand that this um is a struggle

for you seems to be a struggle for you or a difficult topic for you um and I appreciate you try because I know you

love me and care about me and I appreciate you trying to give that advice um but I've I'm figuring this out

on my own so I'd appreciate it if you right right yeah like the off yeah the

bottom line is please don't comment on my food choices or what I'm eating or

the amounts that I'm eating like Just sh yeah and and depending on your

personality where you're at with all of it you might be able to just let her comments roll off your back too like

some people can do that be like whatever you know it's just who she is that she

she's always like this I feel bad for her that she you know feels like she has to do that so there's different ways to

approach it um and it there's no one right or wrong way to do it but if it

really really gets to you and it's a it it's constant um having that

conversation um there's another way to do it too um when you

ABC it makes me feel EX YZ instead can we do me okay so Auntie Mabel when you

say ABC right so when you say this it makes me feel because people can't argue

with how it makes you feel right right because and then she might realize oh my gosh I didn't mean to make you feel like

that right um uh so it makes me feel this instead can we you know maybe let's

not talk about this and um you know whatever it is is the um

and and that can open up a conversation too without that um putting either of

you on the defense yeah so for sure yeah and you

know I have mixed feelings about the when you do this it makes me feel like

this some people I don't know if they're a really close family then yeah they probably do care how they're making feel

but does everybody I don't

not close family should you even care what they think true and and that's like you said ear like it depends on it

depends on how the comments are making you feel like if it's excessive and if it's just this one party like you should

still advocate for yourself obviously but if you're able to just like Let It Roll then whatever like if someone said

something about my food choices or my plate I would just be like yeah that's what I'm doing

whatever because I'm confident in my my ability to do right or yeah this is good

you should try some exactly out of it or whatever it's

um yeah like we said there's not one way to do it um and yeah that ABC one is

probably more for people closer to you you're not going to do it to some you know acquaintance at a party right um

yeah that's not when you would use it but yeah yeah and setting boundaries

around the people that are encouraging me e also like we talked about earlier like the flip side like if it's

constantly Aunt Mabel again um definitely time for that conversation

like I really appreciate that this is how you show me your affection whatever

and I need you to back off a little bit like or wait for me to ask about your

recipe or your food or whatever um or just take what I'm telling you and you

know stop asking me after that or another problematic way too could be um

oh I really I I would love to have some more right now I just I cannot fit another bite in me but I'd love to take

some home you know if you've got a container or something like

that it's a great one and do what you want with it you can eat it or not yeah

awesome yeah so I guess yeah like if we're

turning away from the food police and the food rules then

what we have to start getting curious right like what do we do because this food

rule might be with us for or has been with us for quite a long

time and remember like like Ashley it's a habit and take time to change um it's

it's that pathway in your brain and that's just it's just your brain's go-to

so don't get down on yourself if it takes like don't turn it around now to

be like oh I'm so stupid why do I think like that that's that's not the point point of this the point is to start

noticing the language that you're using with yourself and with others and maybe maybe you're the food police for someone

right oh right so our

noticing that whether it's the language that comes out of your mouth or the language that is just in your head that

little voice maybe it's a look that you give someone like early you have to eat you know like whatever it is just start

noticing first and then start challenging it

like okay here's the my belie the belief that keeps popping up is this

true and like really challenge that though because initially you're going to want to say yeah it's true but really

Challen that um that belief yeah and ask a lot of

questions a you know once you are sort of working through some of this stuff like just get curious that's what I do a

lot like when I'm making food choices I probably ask myself at least five questions before I choose something

which sounds like so much work but I feel like it's better than um running

through a list of food rules because that puts you in more of a negative like I can't you shouldn't whatever kind of

language as opposed to do I feel like or do I have or what do I feel like more

open-ended questions too so like what what um Are there specific questions you asked yourself like am I something like

crunchy or smooth or creamy or I guess so I guess I probably don't run through

that list exactly because I think it's more of like what do I feel like and

then I think I run through kind of like what are the options I have and then I

don't necessarily think crunchy salty sweet exactly but it's in there it's

just not as because it's so well practiced for me I think that I just can jump to it instead of running through

all of the options I guess I never really thought about it like that yeah

sorry no that's good it's good because people no exactly people whose first

time it is yeah that would be a great question like what do I feel like is it

something crunchy or am I even hungry let's go back

um is it something crunchy is it something salty something sweet all of those options um and then what is

available to me and then narrowing it down from there that's a definitely great way to to start putting these

things into practice um and when we're getting curious we're really only making

observations we're not making judgments right like let's say um we had

breakfast at 7 and then by 8:30 we're trying to figure out whether we're

hungry or not and instead of being like oh you shouldn't be hungry because you just ate an hour ago or an hour and a

half ago well what did I have earlier obviously didn't fill me up we don't

have to judge it we can just say this is what's happening right now and how can I um nourish my body now right right yeah

and that remember that question too am I hungry because if you're not our our

blueprint for the emotional part right maybe maybe your body needs something else to to quot nourish it um that's not

food right and back to the breakfast example too if we notice that we're eating this

particular breakfast at 7 and then at 8:30 every day we're really hungry um that's fine we can keep doing that and

if it's not really working into your day like if you're just getting to work at 8:30 and you're trying to get your day

started but you're starving that's not helpful um because it's going to be a

pain to figure out food at that time because you're just getting into work and everything and if you put it off

then you're probably not going to be as clear um with your work and everything

so then we can say oh I've noticed this pattern about my food choices and this

isn't probably working for me or maybe it is but that's up to you to decide and so how can I adjust it to meet my

schedule better or whatever right yeah and if you are

someone like you've said before you can't eat a whole lot first thing in the morning right so if you're that kind of

person so if you eat something light and then that hunger keeps falling like first

thing at work right what is there something you could take with you that's an easy snack can you sip on a smoothie

at work or can you know what is what can you do at work when you get there to

right wash that hunger exactly and it's not that all or nothing like just because I

had whatever it was for breakfast and it's making me hungry an hour and a half later that doesn't mean I can never have

that for breakfast again right we don't have to automatically flip it we can say what can we do like Carrie just said to

adjust because I still like this food and I want to include it and this is how it makes me feel so how can I um change

it up just a little bit to make it work a little better for me and there's another example um example yeah I do too

um there's this other example about how we can easily go from

eating something to negative so I'll never eat it again so here's the example every time I eat pizza I feel

unhappy with my body the next day so I shouldn't be eating pizza boom All or Nothing right like I

can completely see this happening though because we're eating this quote unquote

bad food and so then it makes me feel bad and I'm physically feeling bad in my

body so I'm never going to eat it again and that's it's MTI right level of

guilt and that might be reasonable for some people but if Pizza is something

that you really enjoy eating I definitely enjoy eating pizza me too in

lots of different flavors and ways and so that doesn't make

sense because like we've talked about a lot like restriction sets us up for terrible things

yeah because smell pizza again you're gonna and then you're gonna just you may

overdo it because it's like oh well this time I really mean it I'm just gonna eat it as much as I can and then I'm never

gonna eat it again right exactly and so a way to reframe that or like get

getting that curious piece is thinking more like okay I know that I'm sensitive

to salt and pizza's salty so I'm probably just bloated from the salt from

the pizza I am uncomfortable today and it's temporary and then you get to decide

whether you want to continue to eat pizza or like when you want to eat pizza so if it's free pizza day at work for

lunch you get to choose do I feel like having pizza today knowing that I might

get bloated later tomorrow totally up to you at that point

maybe yes maybe no right and it's not there's no right or wrong to it yeah it's that no

judgment it's just it's it's neutral right and and you know the results I

know like and I have I have to go through this a lot in my head because with my digestive stuff um like I really

feel like having this food but I know I'm probably gonna feel pretty crappy tomorrow if I do um and I'll be really

bloated but I could have a little bit of it right that's another thing too is like

maybe not having as much of the food if you know it doesn't really agree with you your body reacts to it um obviously

if you're allergic to it you don't want it have any of it but um you know it's using common sense and getting out of

that All or Nothing well I know that having you know three slices I feel crappy the next day what if I just have

one slice and if that's not going to fill me up then I can have some a a side

salad or whatever exctly and see how just went through all those questions instead of being like either I can or I

can't MH because when we say we can't like we talked about like that

restriction is going to kick in and then we're probably going to have five slices and we're going to be back in the same

cycle right right so noticing when you're getting into those

Cycles as well um so it's just a lot of noticing at first um and in

intentionality that a word being intentional with just noticing

like noticing your language noticing your patterns um and noticing how it you

makes you feel too um so that that's really the first step with all of this

is just start noticing yes that's all I've got I know

that's it that's it and that's really frustrating because to to some people I feel like it's really frustrating

because as humans we all want like well tell me what to do and I'll do it or

like I want the answers and everything and it's so hard because we don't have the answers for you exactly we only have

like the suggestions ultimately you have the

answers because you know your body you know your life you know you're like you're the expert of yourself exactly

love so much we're we're experts but I don't really like that term we know a lot

about we know a lot about a few things right about these topics that we

discuss but ultimately you are your own expert um and you're kind of

like you know your your life we don't know what kind of life you have and and

but with that said be careful about using that as an excuse too to not make changes that um would benefit

you because we can all make little changes like they can be tiny and the

more tiny changes we make over time the longer they'll be yep yep it all adds up

so awesome anything else you'd like to add my dear I think we did

enough this was a a good conversation and and again like a lot of these changes start in your brain like kind of

you know it's um which makes it difficult because I know people want concrete um so we try

to make it as practical as possible um but that's why we also would love to

hear your questions um thoughts comments questions um you know where to get us

yeah all the links are show notes exactly and come to our pod squad pod

squad first Tuesday of every month and we just talk about all of our podcast

topics a little more in- depth they don't show up on the podcast so it's private it's

virtual yep we answer any questions you have yeah it's good time

definitely all right awesome until next time love you latte

love you latte [Music]


hey it's Carrie and Ashley we welcome you to the self-care Cafe we are both

health professionals and moms and nature lovers and food lovers and love helping

women get over dieting and just start living we think that talking about

bodies and perfect bodies and dieting is just

boring did we put you to sleep there Carrie yes so if you are ready to ditch

dieting and get to living and talk about more important things then you are in the right place we don't put shame and

guilt on the menu here you don't even have to tip us nope come hang with us the advice is

free we want to have a bunch of girlfriends to just hang out with and get real with and it's time to start


ladies hey Ashley hi Carrie how are you great how are you oh super duper yeah we

have a fun oh what's on the menu for today I don't know what is on the menu

for today we have a fun topic that's right so we're continuing our intuitive eating

series um so this week we are still in the breaking up with dieting phase which

is still phase one and so this week long it's a long face it is long breakup it

is it's a long breakup but it's totally worth it and it's easy to go back and forth and that's

okay go back to um yeah so this week we're talking about

the intuitive eating principle number four which is called challenge the food police and this one is not really my

favorite one but I feel like it's got a lot of good information in it still so

I'm curious why isn't it your favorite I don't know I feel like um and I maybe because it's not

something that I've had to deal with a lot in the past personally so maybe I don't like connect with it very much but

I also feel like some of the things are talked about in other principles almost

I'm not really sure I can't a lot of a lot of what we're going

to talk about today is not new information compared to what we

said before right but um we know that repetition helps you learn and sometimes

s the way you know if we say it differently um you may it may you might get that aha moment or oh yes I do

relate to that um so so food police what

does that mean what does that mean I you know and I feel like it might be different for everybody but um food

police is kind of like The Gatekeepers I

think almost of your food choices right so anything or like a bouncer right like

the bouncer of your brain when it has to do with thinking about

food you can go in you're not allowed let me see your IDE exactly

EXA that's awesome so we can be our own food police um and often that is the

case but when we think about that and I just

am kind of putting this together even though it makes sense um even when we're our own food police

we've gotten the trickle down from somewhere else right so like if we

believe one thing to be true about food or food choices then that information has come from somewhere else otherwise

we wouldn't have probably gotten to that right so it can come from family friends

um your health care providers um the media

um and and the other thing too is it can actually still be some people in your

life right now that are still acting as food police for you right you're at a family

gathering and Auntie Mabel is like do you really need that deer should you be eating that um you

know you can eat that without bread right like there could still be it's in

our head but there can actually still be physically people um in our lives that are still kind of are keeping the you

know The Gatekeepers um and trying to keep tabs on us and what we're eating exactly yeah

they it kind of boils down to like we always talk about kind of putting your nutrition under that microscope and it

really keeps us from trusting our body because we're always second guessing so

whether it's Aunt Mabel or ourselves or something we see and it's like oh do we do this maybe we shouldn't be doing this

like we're always sort of second guessing our choices because we all kind

of feel like there's a quote unquote like right way to eat and does this measure up or

not yeah and back to your family example too I feel like it could go the other way like some people are more along the

lines of like food pushers yes yes it can go either way

like oh try this because it's fresh out of the oven or it's my only batch for

the year or whatever and in that case I know people

it's like they've almost taken on what they the food that they make as

their identity and it bumps their their self-esteem up some when people eat

their food and enjoy it right it's like equ equit it to love for them and but

and we're going totally off top well not really off topic but um in that case

that you have to keep in mind that's their issue right yeah that not to take

that on that if it's a food that you don't like or doesn't agree with you or you're full and just cannot eat anymore

um you know sometimes I'll make a joke stop being a pusher you know um so yeah

that's a that's a great Point thank you for bringing that up because it can go either way either the ones that are um

gatekeeping and trying to keep you from eating and then there's the ones that are trying to push you to eat right yeah and

like you said it's like their form of love I guess like you said yeah it's

really tricky because you feel bad when you're not taking them up on that

especially if they're very persistent about it um and that just might be and I

think we'll talk about this a little bit more coming up but it's just something you got to set boundaries about and

maybe have with them like I really appreciate that you're doing this and

I'm too full or whatever it is so can we do something else together yep yeah

absolutely so what would be some ways

um that the the food police show up yeah great question um a lot of times it's

this whole good food bad food um d that we have going on um and so some foods

are seen as like morally better because they have more nutrition um to offer us and some foods

are seen as bad and morally bad because they're higher in Sugar higher in fat

higher in calories salt whatever it is um and so what has happened in our society is

that when we eat foods from either category we then assign ourselves that

label so if we're eating mostly fruits and veggies which are most of the time in the quotquot good category oh then

we're good um we're doing a good job we can be good people today which blows my

mind um and yeah I hear this so much like part

of um my client visits is most of the time um hearing about like a what a

typical day of eating is for people and I bet 90% of people were like oh I was

good today and had this or oh I was bad today and had that um it's really

interesting how how much we really believe this um and when we eat foods

from the bad category like I said we kind of label ourselves as bad and then a lot of times guilt and shame come

along with that and it's not only about like oh I

was good today because I had this like this language is everywhere it's on food packages even like

um sinful chocolate cake or something like that on a menu like what or um I

was somewhere I won't say their name out loud but it was like Guiltless Grill options or something and I'm like

uh nope we missed that one or like guilt

free this or this like it just is

everywhere yeah and I I know I I try not to support brands or at least you know

the Foods um that have that kind of wording on it um and that is one way

that you can try to get companies to change is to not give them your money

yep and you know I was just thinking I haven't gone into the grocery store store in a while CU if you've been listening to the podcast I do more

grocery pickup online but I was just thinking like I could probably spend so

much time like first of all I'd have to be looking so that would take time but also I would be stopping to take a lot

of pictures of all the different brands that slightly even just on the front like I'm not going to stand there and

turn it over and check either but um that would take so much

time it probably also on like where your grocery shopping I feel like like co-ops

might not necessarily get into it that much but

I'm not really sure either they don't have as many like mainstream Brands all of the time depending on where you

are yeah they're more focused on Fresh local yeah yeah yeah so

um so what what's something that we can do to kind

of catch like I If we're like how how do you know if you're doing what some like

language people might use to so that they we've already mentioned some of it

but yeah um I so another example of things is like um I when I was working

at the hospital fulltime there was a cafeteria there so I feel like a lot of people thought I was the food police

there and so it was interesting to see people's reactions when I would walk

through the cafeteria in the dining room or whatever some people would definitely like shift their food choices away or

like put their body in front of it so that I couldn't see what they were doing um and there is a point to the end of

this to answer your question um a lot of people would make eye contact with me and I

knew a lot of people so I would normally chat with people and so they would make comments about their food choices as if

I cared so much about what they were eating um things like calories don't count on Friday or um I had salad for uh

lunch so I'm having this bigger meal for dinner or like justifying their fried food options or I don't know it was just

really interesting to see the difference as soon as I entered the realm of the

food choices um and so yeah so those are a couple things that people might say um

you know I was good because I had fruits and veggies or I had yogurt for a

breakfast or I was bad because I had pizza or I cheated this weekend and

had word yeah that's another one it's very sticky

tricky yeah yeah yeah I run it I we were talking before for years the same type

of thing in the grocery store people will either avoid me or they'll um be

like oh I know I shouldn't be buying this or it's like I'm not judging your

cart just stop it's not you know uh yeah it's we're so hard on ourselves and so I

mean I and I suppose some of it is because of being there are healthc care

practitioners though that would be right so in a way that um we've been kind of

conditioned toward that too yeah so not really it's not really our faults it's

just um the way that things have gone for years now yeah and not only with the

good and bad foods but like food rules also but one thing I want to throw on before we get into that is instead of

necessarily thinking as Foods as good or bad we can try to reframe our thought

process about that and say all foods are neutral like we don't have to assign a

moral value to them um all foods fit like we say all the time and yes we want

to you know nourish our body with foods that have nutrition and we want to include foods that are fun and as we

talk about all the time when we're restricting one or the other then something's not going to end end up like

we're trying to balance ourselves by doing that but we're actually really disrupting the balance and so trying to

do that all foods fit can really be helpful and doing it on purpose and intentionally and really picking up on

all of that like good bad food language you'd be surprised at how often you hear

it I bet yeah when you when you start noticing and intentionally

starting to pay attention to it it is it's

everywhere it's in your head it's in your own head too but it's also it's everywhere

people um talking of course Like Mondays are a great one right coming back after the the weekend be oh I you know I

totally blew my diet I was horrible I right it's you know what's interesting

about that kri is I bet that is mostly not to not to INF course gender

stereotypes but I feel like women talk about that a lot more in the break room on Mondays than men do because women

talk about how bad they were for eating pizza on their family vacation but um

men talk more about what they actually did yes yep and exactly we need

to let go of that guilt about it and enjoy our time

yeah yeah when you think like at the end of your life how much time will you have spent talking about

how horrible your body is and how much you blew it and how much you sucked it

you know like just a lot of waste of time and energy at it instead of living

your life and not to mention who else is listening like are you talking like that with your kids around and do you want

this for them as they're growing up right because we're the role model

um and it's really something that I feel like we all want to get out of it's not fun um we just

don't really know how to do it because it's really difficult which we're here

for exactly okay so food rules yeah so food

rules are kind of like anything you have in place that dictates what when how much

you eat basically right so um I can't eat um I'm just making this up I can't

eat White English muffins because they don't have enough uh nutrition and they're bad for

example or I can't eat past seven o'clock right or I can't eat dressing on

my salad or anything like that and what's

so interesting is that certain rules

actually are more harmful nutritional like right right because a lot of

vegetables the nutrients are better absorbed in your body when they're eating with a little fat exactly so

that's super true so you actually need to eat well I guess you don't need to eat but it is helpful to get the

nutrition into your body better when you eat something with fat on your salad

also known as salad dress ing AKA

AKA so that's really interesting as such a great Point like the the rules we have

can be so backwards when we actually look at science and what is

truthful yeah and like we said earlier it just kind of like keeps yourself it keeps you pitted against your body

because your body's telling you one thing oh that salad dressing sounds really good and then you're telling it no we can't have it because it's too

fattening or it's too whatever yeah and and usually the fat

and salad dressing is an oil and oils like our body our bodies

need fat right we need fat it's a nutrient and um if you don't have it

then you know your skin different things that you can actually see on the outside like skin gets all dry and and things

like that but there's other things on the inside that you other reasons we need fat too yeah and we might not

notice those and that's right whole different story for a whole different

day um yeah and then other rules um have come with us from childhood probably um

a big one is that you have to clean your plate um rule that one is such a

challenging one what was that yeah Clean Plate Club

it's such a challenging one because it's every meal all the time that you've been

dealing with this for a long long time and it's really hard to break that habit

because it's a habit now right we're not listening to our fullness cues we might not even have or notice fullness cues at

this point so that one's a really tricky one but it's all the things like that so

um I don't know if your family restricted you from eating

also you might be rebelling against food rules as well so it can go again either

way can be the gatekeeper or like the food pushers um with the food

rules right and sometimes you'll Eat Alone to avoid judgment yeah so you have

people that are always commenting on your body your plate your choices

whatever you might tend to start eating more in secret or um just trying to eat

alone and waiting to eat unless you know if you're really hungry and everyone's eating then we have to make up an excuse

about why we're not eating and then we're going to eat later to avoid all those comments or you might avoid

Gatherings right you might avoid family gatherings or going out with friends um

because either someone makes a comment or maybe

you just can't stand the pressure that you know the other oh I'm just gonna have salad and you know you wanted to go

and have a nice meal and you feel guilty or feel pressure not to do that it's

just not enjoyable anymore yeah um yeah there's all kinds of twists and turns to

that one yeah and if we're eating in Rebellion sometimes we're eating a lot because of

how we might have been restricted in the past especially Um this can also happen

if people have experienced like food scarcity in their childhood as well so it's similar as far as the biological

response but different as far as why it was happening in your household so if your family restricted you um from

sweets or portion sizes or whatever um

you never really had the opportunity to regulate or balance like your Cravings

or preferences and how you dealt with them right and the same with food scarcity

people just kind of have to eat when they have food and they don't get to rely on their bodies as much so all

those things can come into play for sure absolutely

so what do you do how do we identify which food

police is um running our show you gotta pay attention that's our first thing all

the time like right you have to just take a step

back and when you have any thoughts about food or nutrition just hold on a second and say okay

where did that come from is that a food rule um how do I feel about that and

also like who said it where did it come from is this true kind of conversation

too and like we said we might think that it's true but is it actually true and

that one's a really hard one because sometimes we can get really frustrated with oh we've been doing this

for 20 years and oh this information's actually false or um there can be some anger and

frustration grief sometimes around thinking about this

stuff and It's Tricky too because Through The Years information does change like I was in college the

whole um cholesterol thing like you couldn't you know if like eggs they were

saying eggs increased cholesterol now we know that that's probably not true or has minimal impact

on our cholesterol levels in our bodies um all kind like the low fat thing and then the no fat thing was in back then

um so and you know they were saying and it you know practitioners were pushing

this saying that no you you know you shouldn't have any fat and obviously we

know that that is not true at all now anymore um so nutrition information as

research has increased and and um gotten better

um it's changed so but sometimes you get stuck on that old one right because if

we were in the we formed that habit like oh fat is bad fat is bad fat is bad then

that comes with us and it is hard to break and it's it's hard to wrap your mind around it but if you get onto some

credible resources that can explain how fat is not bad

and why it's not and how it actually works in your body um and and emphas is

incredible because there's so much information out there on the intern I was just gonna pull that in too like

sometimes we just stick with the original one because there's so much information out there and I hear this a

lot from clients also like they are you know recommended a diet to follow by

their provider maybe or they are researching this new condition they have and

find out about this diet that's supposed to help with this condition and they just get so frustrated with some

websites say eat this and some websites say don't eat that and it's like well what am I supposed to do and so I think

that contributes to all this confusion and we often just stick with what we've already been doing so that we're not

rocking the boat or whatever yeah it's easier I mean let's face it not changing a habit is a lot easier and then try to

change it too or like said rocking a boat because who wants to disagree with their doctor right right and but doctors

have very little nutrition education in med school so unless they've taken extra

training your best bet would be to get a referral to a registered dietitian yes

thank you ma'am you're welome thanks for the thought you'd like that and you know maybe it would be

Ashley all right some other ways we

can we can do some different things well how about setting boundaries

with friends and family that one's such a good one that this one might be one of the hardest ones is a hard one especi

avoid conflict yeah because it's not just you anymore right you know let's go

back to Aunt Mabel Aunt Mabel I have to talk to her now and you know you know

your family best so is she going to take the news Well is do you think she's

going to you know not take it well and sometimes I think that's worse is just

like playing the what if game how is she going to react you really don't know until you do it um because we can

imagine this whole scenario going a hundred different ways those of us that might be overthinkers um

no so so I have I have a good little tip for that so if you do um if if this

happens you know or what if then turn it around if then so if this if she says

this then I will respond this way but Al so important to remember don't try not

to react right so in practice like regardless of whatever she says over

here how will you respond to that right without without doing this you know I'm

freaking SI of you saying that stop you know trying to respond to it because

also coming from a place of um understanding maybe and some empathy because obviously she struggles

with this right so saying I you know I understand that this um is a struggle

for you seems to be a struggle for you or a difficult topic for you um and I appreciate you try because I know you

love me and care about me and I appreciate you trying to give that advice um but I've I'm figuring this out

on my own so I'd appreciate it if you right right yeah like the off yeah the

bottom line is please don't comment on my food choices or what I'm eating or

the amounts that I'm eating like Just sh yeah and and depending on your

personality where you're at with all of it you might be able to just let her comments roll off your back too like

some people can do that be like whatever you know it's just who she is that she

she's always like this I feel bad for her that she you know feels like she has to do that so there's different ways to

approach it um and it there's no one right or wrong way to do it but if it

really really gets to you and it's a it it's constant um having that

conversation um there's another way to do it too um when you

ABC it makes me feel EX YZ instead can we do me okay so Auntie Mabel when you

say ABC right so when you say this it makes me feel because people can't argue

with how it makes you feel right right because and then she might realize oh my gosh I didn't mean to make you feel like

that right um uh so it makes me feel this instead can we you know maybe let's

not talk about this and um you know whatever it is is the um

and and that can open up a conversation too without that um putting either of

you on the defense yeah so for sure yeah and you

know I have mixed feelings about the when you do this it makes me feel like

this some people I don't know if they're a really close family then yeah they probably do care how they're making feel

but does everybody I don't

not close family should you even care what they think true and and that's like you said ear like it depends on it

depends on how the comments are making you feel like if it's excessive and if it's just this one party like you should

still advocate for yourself obviously but if you're able to just like Let It Roll then whatever like if someone said

something about my food choices or my plate I would just be like yeah that's what I'm doing

whatever because I'm confident in my my ability to do right or yeah this is good

you should try some exactly out of it or whatever it's

um yeah like we said there's not one way to do it um and yeah that ABC one is

probably more for people closer to you you're not going to do it to some you know acquaintance at a party right um

yeah that's not when you would use it but yeah yeah and setting boundaries

around the people that are encouraging me e also like we talked about earlier like the flip side like if it's

constantly Aunt Mabel again um definitely time for that conversation

like I really appreciate that this is how you show me your affection whatever

and I need you to back off a little bit like or wait for me to ask about your

recipe or your food or whatever um or just take what I'm telling you and you

know stop asking me after that or another problematic way too could be um

oh I really I I would love to have some more right now I just I cannot fit another bite in me but I'd love to take

some home you know if you've got a container or something like

that it's a great one and do what you want with it you can eat it or not yeah

awesome yeah so I guess yeah like if we're

turning away from the food police and the food rules then

what we have to start getting curious right like what do we do because this food

rule might be with us for or has been with us for quite a long

time and remember like like Ashley it's a habit and take time to change um it's

it's that pathway in your brain and that's just it's just your brain's go-to

so don't get down on yourself if it takes like don't turn it around now to

be like oh I'm so stupid why do I think like that that's that's not the point point of this the point is to start

noticing the language that you're using with yourself and with others and maybe maybe you're the food police for someone

right oh right so our

noticing that whether it's the language that comes out of your mouth or the language that is just in your head that

little voice maybe it's a look that you give someone like early you have to eat you know like whatever it is just start

noticing first and then start challenging it

like okay here's the my belie the belief that keeps popping up is this

true and like really challenge that though because initially you're going to want to say yeah it's true but really

Challen that um that belief yeah and ask a lot of

questions a you know once you are sort of working through some of this stuff like just get curious that's what I do a

lot like when I'm making food choices I probably ask myself at least five questions before I choose something

which sounds like so much work but I feel like it's better than um running

through a list of food rules because that puts you in more of a negative like I can't you shouldn't whatever kind of

language as opposed to do I feel like or do I have or what do I feel like more

open-ended questions too so like what what um Are there specific questions you asked yourself like am I something like

crunchy or smooth or creamy or I guess so I guess I probably don't run through

that list exactly because I think it's more of like what do I feel like and

then I think I run through kind of like what are the options I have and then I

don't necessarily think crunchy salty sweet exactly but it's in there it's

just not as because it's so well practiced for me I think that I just can jump to it instead of running through

all of the options I guess I never really thought about it like that yeah

sorry no that's good it's good because people no exactly people whose first

time it is yeah that would be a great question like what do I feel like is it

something crunchy or am I even hungry let's go back

um is it something crunchy is it something salty something sweet all of those options um and then what is

available to me and then narrowing it down from there that's a definitely great way to to start putting these

things into practice um and when we're getting curious we're really only making

observations we're not making judgments right like let's say um we had

breakfast at 7 and then by 8:30 we're trying to figure out whether we're

hungry or not and instead of being like oh you shouldn't be hungry because you just ate an hour ago or an hour and a

half ago well what did I have earlier obviously didn't fill me up we don't

have to judge it we can just say this is what's happening right now and how can I um nourish my body now right right yeah

and that remember that question too am I hungry because if you're not our our

blueprint for the emotional part right maybe maybe your body needs something else to to quot nourish it um that's not

food right and back to the breakfast example too if we notice that we're eating this

particular breakfast at 7 and then at 8:30 every day we're really hungry um that's fine we can keep doing that and

if it's not really working into your day like if you're just getting to work at 8:30 and you're trying to get your day

started but you're starving that's not helpful um because it's going to be a

pain to figure out food at that time because you're just getting into work and everything and if you put it off

then you're probably not going to be as clear um with your work and everything

so then we can say oh I've noticed this pattern about my food choices and this

isn't probably working for me or maybe it is but that's up to you to decide and so how can I adjust it to meet my

schedule better or whatever right yeah and if you are

someone like you've said before you can't eat a whole lot first thing in the morning right so if you're that kind of

person so if you eat something light and then that hunger keeps falling like first

thing at work right what is there something you could take with you that's an easy snack can you sip on a smoothie

at work or can you know what is what can you do at work when you get there to

right wash that hunger exactly and it's not that all or nothing like just because I

had whatever it was for breakfast and it's making me hungry an hour and a half later that doesn't mean I can never have

that for breakfast again right we don't have to automatically flip it we can say what can we do like Carrie just said to

adjust because I still like this food and I want to include it and this is how it makes me feel so how can I um change

it up just a little bit to make it work a little better for me and there's another example um example yeah I do too

um there's this other example about how we can easily go from

eating something to negative so I'll never eat it again so here's the example every time I eat pizza I feel

unhappy with my body the next day so I shouldn't be eating pizza boom All or Nothing right like I

can completely see this happening though because we're eating this quote unquote

bad food and so then it makes me feel bad and I'm physically feeling bad in my

body so I'm never going to eat it again and that's it's MTI right level of

guilt and that might be reasonable for some people but if Pizza is something

that you really enjoy eating I definitely enjoy eating pizza me too in

lots of different flavors and ways and so that doesn't make

sense because like we've talked about a lot like restriction sets us up for terrible things

yeah because smell pizza again you're gonna and then you're gonna just you may

overdo it because it's like oh well this time I really mean it I'm just gonna eat it as much as I can and then I'm never

gonna eat it again right exactly and so a way to reframe that or like get

getting that curious piece is thinking more like okay I know that I'm sensitive

to salt and pizza's salty so I'm probably just bloated from the salt from

the pizza I am uncomfortable today and it's temporary and then you get to decide

whether you want to continue to eat pizza or like when you want to eat pizza so if it's free pizza day at work for

lunch you get to choose do I feel like having pizza today knowing that I might

get bloated later tomorrow totally up to you at that point

maybe yes maybe no right and it's not there's no right or wrong to it yeah it's that no

judgment it's just it's it's neutral right and and you know the results I

know like and I have I have to go through this a lot in my head because with my digestive stuff um like I really

feel like having this food but I know I'm probably gonna feel pretty crappy tomorrow if I do um and I'll be really

bloated but I could have a little bit of it right that's another thing too is like

maybe not having as much of the food if you know it doesn't really agree with you your body reacts to it um obviously

if you're allergic to it you don't want it have any of it but um you know it's using common sense and getting out of

that All or Nothing well I know that having you know three slices I feel crappy the next day what if I just have

one slice and if that's not going to fill me up then I can have some a a side

salad or whatever exctly and see how just went through all those questions instead of being like either I can or I

can't MH because when we say we can't like we talked about like that

restriction is going to kick in and then we're probably going to have five slices and we're going to be back in the same

cycle right right so noticing when you're getting into those

Cycles as well um so it's just a lot of noticing at first um and in

intentionality that a word being intentional with just noticing

like noticing your language noticing your patterns um and noticing how it you

makes you feel too um so that that's really the first step with all of this

is just start noticing yes that's all I've got I know

that's it that's it and that's really frustrating because to to some people I feel like it's really frustrating

because as humans we all want like well tell me what to do and I'll do it or

like I want the answers and everything and it's so hard because we don't have the answers for you exactly we only have

like the suggestions ultimately you have the

answers because you know your body you know your life you know you're like you're the expert of yourself exactly

love so much we're we're experts but I don't really like that term we know a lot

about we know a lot about a few things right about these topics that we

discuss but ultimately you are your own expert um and you're kind of

like you know your your life we don't know what kind of life you have and and

but with that said be careful about using that as an excuse too to not make changes that um would benefit

you because we can all make little changes like they can be tiny and the

more tiny changes we make over time the longer they'll be yep yep it all adds up

so awesome anything else you'd like to add my dear I think we did

enough this was a a good conversation and and again like a lot of these changes start in your brain like kind of

you know it's um which makes it difficult because I know people want concrete um so we try

to make it as practical as possible um but that's why we also would love to

hear your questions um thoughts comments questions um you know where to get us

yeah all the links are show notes exactly and come to our pod squad pod

squad first Tuesday of every month and we just talk about all of our podcast

topics a little more in- depth they don't show up on the podcast so it's private it's

virtual yep we answer any questions you have yeah it's good time

definitely all right awesome until next time love you latte

love you latte [Music]

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